
An At-A-Glance vision coverages in detail for easy comprehension and quick access to in-network providers.


InSightful was created to simplify the process of comprehending and optimizing vision insurance benefits for individuals.

Drawing from my firsthand experience from working at an optometry office, where I witnessed the challenges individuals face in understanding and maximizing their vision coverage, I was inspired to develop this mobile application.


Product Designer


Product Design , Research, IA & User Journey, Wireframeing & Testing, Branding & UI KIT, Prototyping & Mockups


End-To-End Mobile Application


2 Weeks


Individuals find it difficult to comprehend their vision insurance benefits due to the complexity of plans, coverage variabilities, and limited transparency.

Patients often find it difficult to fully understand their vision insurance coverage in detail. This lack of clarity can lead to increased out-of-pocket expenses and missed opportunities for preventive care. Additionally, the confusion around plan details and benefits can result in frustration and decreased satisfaction with the insurance provider.

To address these issues

A user-centric solution is needed to simplify the understanding of vision insurance plans, improves transparency, and enhances the overall user experience.


How might we present the plan details in a more comprehensive way for anyone with vision insurance?


InSightful provides an improved and simple user experience, allowing patients to easily comprehend their coverages and maximize their benefits.

With InSightful, users can

  • Easily comprehend their vision insurance coverages in detail.

  • Compare different plans to view the coverages differences.

  • Quickly locate nearby In-Network Providers.

The Goal

The goal of this mobile app is to deliver a simple, intuitive, and easy-to-navigate interface that helps users understand their vision insurance and maximize their benefits without any confusion or increase out-of-pocket expenses.




Individuals with Vision Insurance experiences struggles to comprehend their vision coverages in details which resulted in higher out-of-pocket expenses.

Sample questions I asked in the interview were:

  • What challenges did you face in understanding the vision benefits?

  • What information are you most interested in when it comes to vision insurance?

  • How do you access your vision insurance information?

  • What questions or concerns do you have when choosing a vision plan?

Based on the questions, I’ve gathered valuable insights into the challenges users face when understanding their vision coverage.

My key observations were:

  • Challenges were encountered in understanding the nuances of coverage, such as differences between frames, lenses, contacts, and sunglasses.

  • Users primarily accessed and inquired about vision benefits through optometry offices or insurance websites.

  • Critical information regarding plan selection was lacking, leading to confusion among users.

  • Limited plan options offered by competitors restricted user choice and flexibility.

  • Users expressed interest in plan details, coverage specifics, additional fees, and in-network providers


Competitors offer comprehensive features with a focus on clean, intuitive design, seamless integration with insurance systems, and regular updates to enhance user experience.

I analyzed four of the current most successful competitors in the healthcare industry to identify their strength and differences.

My key findings were:

  • Comprehensive features offered by competitors include plan management, benefit assessment, care provider location, appointment scheduling, and health claim tracking.

  • Emphasis on clean, intuitive design for optimal user experience.

  • Integration with health insurance provider systems for seamless access to member information.

  • Commitment to regular updates and improvements to enhance user experience.


Meet Jenny, our primary persona.

Jenny, like many others, relies on vision insurance due to her high prescription. Understanding and maximizing vision coverage is important to Jenny. This makes her the ideal representation of our target audience.

“Vision Insurance is crucial to me because I have a high prescription.”


By understanding user pain points and core needs, I brainstormed three key ideas to address each of user’s pain points, allowing me to convert the ideas into key features.

Pain Point #1

User have difficulties in comprehending their vision insurance coverages in detail due to the complexity of plans and coverages in detail.

Idea #1

User’s can view their plan benefits and coverages in details by categories include Vision Exam, Glasses, Contacts, Sunglasses, and Diabetic Eyecare.

Pain Point #2

Users is unclear about the coverages and price difference between plans.

Idea #2

User to select two different plans for comparison to view the coverages and price differences between the two.

Pain Point #3

Users have does not know which eye care offices are in-network with their vision insurance.

Idea #3

A map screen displays nearby In-Network Providers, allowing users to view details of the office and doctor’s review and years of experience to enhance credibility.


Visual Design and branding aimed to evoke feelings of clean, simplicity, and trustworthy.

I started building the brand identity based on industry trends, emphasizing trust, professionalism, and user-centric design. This approach ensures the brand resonates with users and aligns with their expectations for reliability and care in the healthcare-related application.

  • Logo: The choice influenced by the symbolic representation of the eye, signifying vision and sight.

  • Color Scheme: The color choices of shades of blue and white. Blue conveys a message of trust and reliability, and white conveys simplicity and clarity.

  • Typography: To ensure readability and maintain a modern, clean aesthetics. Open Sans and Noto Sans is used for the text and body.


I created a collection of design elements and components for this UI KIT to ensure design consistency to accelerate the design process, and facilitate easy maintenance and updates to the visual elements.



After pinpointing the unique features and completing the research phase, I crafted the hierarchical visual display of the app's content to ensure easy and seamless navigation.


With the site map developed, I began to map out the steps a user takes to achieve a goal within the mobile app to help optimize the structure and layout for better usability and accessibility.


I created a series of low-fidelity designs within their respective navigations and task flows to help me think through the visuals and content.



Moderated high-fidelity usability testing showed that users find the application to be useful and intuitive. However, further modifications of the screen layouts and designs required improvement.

I tested three main task flows with 5 users to measure the usability and accessibility to identify areas of improvement.


The goal was to determine if participants could navigate the app with ease and understand the detailed information about their vision plans, and efficiently search for in-network providers.


Average Success


Average Success


Average Success

Task #1

Go to Plan's screen to view their vision insurance coverages.


Participants were able to easily navigate to the plan screen to view their vision coverages.

Task #2

Select 2 different plans for Comparison.


Participants weren't able to select the plans because there was no clear indication of how to select plans for comparison.

Task #1

Find in-network providers.


Participants experienced scrolling issues on the map when viewing the list of doctor's from the drawer.



InSightful made vision insurance comprehension easy to understand and user is able to maximize their insurance benefits and quickly locate nearby in-network providers.

After the usability tests, I iterated on my designs based on findings. I, then updated the hi-fidelity mockups and interactive prototypes for final deliverables.

Finding 1

The initial design lacked clear indication of progress during the onboarding process.

To address this issue,

I implemented a progress bar to provide users with a clear guideline of the current process status, enhancing user experience by reducing uncertainty and anxiety.

Final Prototype for the Onboarding Process with InSightful

Here is a quick overview of the onboarding process for new users where I have incorporated the progress bar for the questionaires. The user can locate their vision benefits from the start or have the option to “skip” and add their vision benefits later on.

Finding 2

Users expressed confusion due to the lack of clear guidelines on how to select a plan for comparison. Additionally, the accordion dropdown did not have a color-filled selection indicator.

To address this issue,

I incorporated a "Select" button to clearly indicate how to choose a plan and revised the "Selected Plan" indicator to a color-filled radio check button. These changes were implemented to enhance usability, ensuring users can easily navigate and make selections with confidence.

Finding 3

Users were dissatisfied with the dropdown view because it required excessive clicks to view each covered feature for selected plans.

To address this issue,

I redesigned the layout to a side-by-side comparison for better visual clarity of plan coverages.

Final Prototype for the selecting plans and compare with InSightful

Here is the final prototype for the plan selection and compare screens where I have made necessary iterations such as adding the “Select” button on the plans and have redesigned the compare screen layout. User can select 2 different plans for comparison. The view will be displayed with a side-by-side comparison where user can easily view the coverage differences.


InSightful has transformed the landscape of vision insurance comprehension, offering users an intuitive platform for optimizing benefits. With iterative improvements driven by user feedback, the app now provides seamless navigation and addresses critical user pain points. Looking ahead, ongoing refinement will further elevate user experience and extend the app's reach, fostering informed decision-making among users.