
The ultimate companion on the journey to a healthier and more energized lifestyle.


The absence of exercise can elevate stress level, adversely affecting individuals’ well-being. Revive Fit is a fitness wellness app dedicated to transforming individuals’ health journeys with a diverse range of exercises curated across multiple categories, accessible on any device and anywhere. The platform also provides personalized nutrition meal plans tailored to unique needs and goals.


Product Designer


Research, Define, Ideation, Prototype, Usability Testing


Mobile-First Application


7 Weeks


Many individuals struggle to consistently prioritize their health, resulting in avoidable health problems and a decline in overall well-being, often due to lifestyle-related health issues such as poor diet, lack of exercise, and other unhealthy habits.

Taking care of one's physical health is crucial for overall well-being. Physically, it reduces the risk of chronic illnesses and promotes vitality. Mentally, it enhances cognitive function and stress resilience, while emotionally, it fosters stability and improved self-esteem.

According to WHO Fact Sheets (Oct, 5th 2022)

  • “People who are insufficiently active have a 20% - 30% increased risk of death compared to people who are sufficiently active.”

  • “More than 80% of the world’s adolescent and 27% of adults population is insufficiently physically active.”

To address these issues

I am designing a health mobile app that aims to empower users to take control of their health by offering variety exercises and nutrition meals to boost their overall health.


How might we empower people to better control their stress?


Revive is a mobile first concept that provides diverse range of categories of exercises and personalized nutrition plans to promote physical activities and a healthy lifestyle.

With Revive Fit, users will be better equipped to:

  • Monitor their progress and adjust their plans as needed.

  • Make informed decisions about their diet and exercise routines.

  • Establish and maintain healthy habits.

  • Connect with a supportive community for motivation and accountability.


The goal of this mobile app is to deliver an intuitive, accessible, and engaging interface that helps users track their physical exercises and eat healthily, ultimately improving well-being and reducing lifestyle-related health issues.


To kick off this project, I developed a research plan to help me guide through the initial research phase and drafted potential research questions to gather valuable insights from users. .

Methodologies includes:

  • User Interview: To gain a deeper understanding of how user’s practice self-care daily and their behavioral and emotional states.

  • Contextual Inquiries: To observe how user plan and manage their daily health routines.

  • Competitive Analysis: Conduct market research to understand competitor’s strength and weaknesses.

Sample Research Questions:

  • How often do user exercise?

  • How long does each workout session last?

  • Which type of workout do user practice?

  • Are there any specific goals the user would like to achieve?

  • What factors positively or negatively influences user’s productivity level?

  • What are user’s physical status through out the day?


I conducted 5 moderate user interviews to observe and understand the user’s health activities and synthesized the datas.

Interview Key Insights

  • Extended work hours limited individual’s ability to engage in physical activities.

  • Engaging in physical activities can improve energy level, decrease stress level, and improves sleep patterns.

  • Lack of physical activities elevates stress and diminishes energy level.


I analyzed 3 of the current popular workout applications to identify and understand the market demands and patterns. I found that


  • Diverse range of fitness classes.

  • Flexibility and cost effective

  • Strong partner network


  • Price transparency

  • Class availability

  • Strong partner network


  • Health Stats tracking

  • Goal setting

  • Exercise tracking

  • Nutrition guidance


  • Data privacy and security

  • Log Time every day

  • Accuracy level - calories inaccurate


  • Structured workout plans

  • Target training

  • Time efficiency

  • Affordability


  • Content diversity

  • Nutrition guidance

  • Advanced tracking


Based on the research results from the secondary research and interviews, I have created personas. I, now better understand the needs, pain points, and behaviors for the users I will be designing for.


I utilized strategies such as Creative Constraint, Playing the Opposite, and Analogue Inspiration to generate potential ideas for addressing the user’s issue.

A platform that offers the following:

  • Diverse categories of exercises.

  • Nutrition guidances for a healthier lifestyle.

  • Displays user’s health and physical activities statuses.

  • Fitness community to encourage in physical activities.


Initial sketches define feasible and core screens intended for user in the app to fulfill user needs.


After the initial sketching to draw out ideas, I proceeded to digitalized the sketches into mid fidelity wireframes based on task flow to visualize my designs .


The branding system aimed to evoke the feelings of professionalism, trustworthiness, healthiness, vitality, and energy.


High fidelity wireframes reflects the brand system, implemented necessary components such as card, navigation bar, dropdown menu, icons and etc.


I analyzed the test results using a 4-quadrant diagram to prioritize features and identify necessary changes for the application.

I conducted usability testing for 3 feature flows include onboarding, select a exercise, and a nutritional meal plan with 5 participants with 3 follow up questions at the end of the testing to better understand user expectations and experiences.

The Success Measurement will be based on:

  • Task Success Rate: Ideally average task success is 80% or more.

  • Time on Task: Completion time period on task within 60 -90 seconds.

  • Error Rate: Ideally 2 - 3 errors or less per task.

  • User Satisfaction: Scale from 1 to 10; 1 being least satisfied, 10 being most satisfied.

Key Takeaways

  • There can be a higher color contrast on the dashboard and icons for visibility.

  • “Back” & “Prev” button were confusing and redundant to user on the exercise screens.

  • “Start Plan” button to be placed at the bottom of the screen for user accessibility and flow.

  • Set “Exercise” key screen as default screen.


Below are some revised version of the screens showcasing the results and feedback from usability testing.

Home Screen

Changed to background to an image for more professionalism looking interface because the old one does not match the style of the other screens.

Nutrition Start Plan Screen

Adjusted color contrast on the icons.

Moved the “Start" Plan” button to the bottom of the screen for accessibility and flow.

Exercise Screen

Adjusted the color contrast on the icons.

Removed the “Back” arrow button and added an “Exit” button for usability so the user can exit out of the exercise whenever.